From the arguments that rage over
the Islamic veil and the bikini, a battle between the conservatives and liberal
secular forces, you would think it can be summed up as: nudity is liberation and covering up is
oppression from the secular faction. A Tunisian woman took the bait,
and from the birth place of the Arab-Spring she displayed her breasts, with "My
body is mine, not somebody's honour" written across it, clearly aimed at the conservative faction of
society. This is supposed to contribute towards the advancement for
women’s rights, because the argument goes, it shows that she has control over
her body, nobody (men in particular) is forcing her to cover up. One would
assume the protest in a different form would take place, if the women were
forced to walk around topless in Tunisia in the first place.
On that note, women who chose to
wear the Hijab (head scarf) under the
previous regime were treated awfully, and in countries like Turkey the HIjab was banned in public life. The
same argument of women having control over their bodies and having the ability
to exercise their choice is applicable here, but it did not lead to the
feminists screaming; hence, why the selectivity? Ironically, it seems the
feminists are pandering to the male urges through the back door, as they are
only intervening when women want to strip!